Learn and feel the original mission 踔厉 Work hard to bear heavy responsibilities

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-10-28Number of views:24

Associate Dean of Marxism School


September 13 to October 14, 2022I attendedThe 13th Anhui Provincial Party School strengthened the study of ideological and political work in colleges and universities and the management of leading personnel in public institutions。One monthTotal systemRich in contentThe combination of online and offline, and the unified study of theory and practice is a spiritual feast and a baptism of thought that touches the soul。

In the provincial Party schoolWith some careful planning,I listened carefully to Zheng Zhajie, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee's clean government party class,安徽省委教育工委书记钱桂仑的深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述Lecture on accelerating the construction of a high-quality education system,省委副秘书长余三元的习近平总书记对安徽作出的系列重要讲话指示精神和省第十一次党代会精神解读的Lectures and other leadershipA number of special reports by expertsAnd lecture。He has been to Anhui University, Anhui Agricultural University, Jinzhai Red Revolution Base and other places for on-site teaching。By learningFurther strengthen the ideals and beliefsAnd elevate politicsJudgment, political understanding, political executionConsolidated the theoretical foundationBroaden one's horizonIt is clear that party spirit is the foundation of Chinese Communists。

党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视学校思想政治工作,习近平总书记先后发表一系列重要讲话、作出一系列重要指示批示,为学校思想政治工作指明了前进方向。He emphasized that the ideological and political work of colleges and universities is related to the fundamental problem of what kind of people, how to train people and for whom to train people。Moral cultivation is the fundamental task of higher education。Ideological and political theory course is the key course to carry out the fundamental task of cultivating morality and people. It is of great significance to run ideological and political theory course well, and the role of ideological and political course is irreplaceable。The Party's 20th National Congress report pointed out that we must adhere to the priority of education development, accelerate the construction of education power, as a university ideological and political workers, I deeply feel the Party Central Committee placed on our ardent hope, deep responsibility, glorious mission。We have to be mindful"The greatest of the country", adhere to the original heart of moral cultivation, bear in mind the mission of "educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country", and shoulder the glorious responsibility entrusted to us by The Times。The following combined with the actual work, from the following aspects to talk about the experience:

First, we should hold a good ideological and political course。Our education aims to cultivate generation after generation of useful talents who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system and are determined to fight for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics all their lives。On this fundamental issue, we must be clear and unequivocal。我们要坚持和巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位,坚定政治立场,面对错误观点勇于亮剑,以强大的真理力量引导学生,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人。

Second, we should teach ideological and political lessons with high confidence。At present, ideological and political teachers are more confident and capable than ever before to teach ideological and political lessons well。The great attention of the Party and the government provides the fundamental guarantee for the teaching of thought and politics;The remarkable achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics have provided strong support for teaching ideological and political lessons well;The extensive, profound and long-established excellent Chinese culture provides a profound force for teaching ideological and political lessons well;A series of regular understanding and successful experience provide an important basis for teaching ideological and political lessons well。We must have profound feelings for the family and the country, and in the great practice of the Party and the people, we are willing to serve the children of the ox, diligently plow the responsible fields, enrich the truth, the good and the beautiful, and keep a good canal with full self。

Third, enrich ideological and political lessons with profound knowledge。"There is no end to learning。We should maintain a heart of awe for knowledge renewal and enrich the classroom with profound knowledge。The knowledge of ideological and political course is huge, and the sense of The Times is sensitive, so the teachers of ideological and political course need to have a broad vision。Post-00s college students have active thoughts and diverse channels to obtain information, so they need ideological and political teachers to think new。We have organically combined the ideological and political courses with the curriculum's ideological and political courses, and organically combined the small ideological and political classes with the large social classes, so as to enlighten students' minds in the course of good guidance, and spread the truth in the silence of moisten things。

Fourth, we should use personality charm to bring the ideological and political lessons alive。He who loves his teacher believes in his way。Personality charm is a combination of ideological and political teachers' personality cultivation, profound knowledge and sincere style。As a teacher, we should be strict in self-discipline, dignified, and use the same praise and deeds to transmit positive energy, so that the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty can take root in the hearts of students。At this critical time of epidemic prevention and control, we need to reach out to students, be their confidants, warm-hearted people and guides, infect them with personality charm and win them over。

在习近平总书记的深切关怀下,在新时代的春风里,我们完全有信心有能力把思政课办得越来越好,培养更多"Listen to the Party, follow the Party",Have ideal, dare to bear, can bear hardships, willing to struggle good young people in the new era